Monday 29 August 2011

Movie recaps

I recently discovered a movie review/recap site called Agony Booth, and discovered something wonderful - a person or sometimes a team sit down and watch a bad movie, then recap it. As in they do a detailled scene-by-scene description of the movie and either explain what's going on or make fun of it. For a few weeks, this was pretty much the best thing ever.

Unfortunately, the only way the site could support the work involved in the recaps was by embedded advertising links. Amazon has sadly pulled support for this from the area Agony Booth is hosted. So, no more text recaps will be done, and I wouldn't be surprised if the existing ones get pulled in the future to make way for video content.

I was devestated - mainly because I thought "hell, this is something I can do! I can make a contribution to the interwebs!". I approached Agony Booth over Twitter and was told no, no more text recaps will be done, or considered. Even a user contrbution, completely voluntary, no thank you. It costs them money when people read them now, I guess.

So anyway, not to be too put off, I thought - screw it, I have a blog. Anyone can have a blog, and I'm anyone. So what if I did my own recap and posted it? I didn't want to spend an afternoon watching a movie a few moments at a time then pausing to write unless I knew I was committed to the idea. So, I picked a movie I've seen so many times I know it inside out, used a script I found online as a guide so I didn't forget anything important, and bashed out a recap in bits and pieces over the course of a few weeks during slow moments at work. I created it in notepad and have transferred it to word for editing. I am astonished to discover it presently clocks in at 19 pages in 10-point Arial.

More editing is required. I will post it soon.